Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Did Darwin Kill God? No

This is going to be a short blog but I want to share a documentary I recently watched called "Did Darwin Kill God?" This documentary was released by the BBC in 2009, but I believe the documentary is still relevant today. For the record, I am not ashamed to say that I do accept the theory of evolution in all of its scientific understandings and findings, including both natural selection and common ancestry. I believe that to accept the theory of evolution is to demonstrate as a person of the faith an openness to ideas in understanding God's creation. As the late John Paul II stated, "Truth cannot contradict Truth," and if Evolution is true (which I strongly believe it is), then evolution does not kill God, but instead glorifies God because it showing the truth of Creation.The reason why I am sharing this video on this blog is because I find it a fascinating documentary that I believe every Christian should watch.

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